The other morning I was watching a fellow park one of those great big pickup trucks that are so prevalent in this part of the country.
His complete disregard for the marked parking spaces prompted me to think about the general situation of our world.
For many years, we in the West have been on a slow spiral down in the direction of Anarchy. After taking such laborious paths toward the “rule of law”, which we claim to cherish, we now slip, every day, closer to the “rule of no law” with Greed, the great corroder of values, leading the way. One of the characteristics of Anarchy is the idea that if one is able to take something, they do. Thoughts about rights of ownership or trespass do not enter into the process. Sadly, that describes too many situations in today’s world.
The realization of the “rule of law” and the move away from Anarchy takes strength, whether it be external or internal. Otto von Bismarck of Prussia pushed and shoved and maneuvered and threatened until he unified the loose (and often unfriendly) association of Duchies and city states around Prussia into one country. Despite vast differences of nationalism and religion in the newly coalesced peoples, the union held together by Bismarck’s force of will for decades until Kaiser Wilhelm replaced him. That, of course, is part of the tragic story of World War One. Still, Bismarck’s application of external strength did what nothing else had been able to do for centuries.
In another example, the Roman Republic lasted nearly 500 years because of its’ intense internal strength. The Roman peoples believed strongly, very strongly, in their relationship and responsibilities to themselves, their fellow Romans and their various gods. This strength continued well into the Imperial period. In fact, faults aside, the Roman character along those lines was so strong that it enabled the nation’s entire history to span more than 2,000 years! Yet it all began with their belief in and commitment to the social contract of their day.
The United States, by contrast, is just over 230 years old and has been losing its’ way for decades. This does not speak well of their future.
The United Cherokee Nation of Indians is just beginning. but we belief strongly in the principles of fairness and social responsibility. Without those things, all human civil endeavors are doomed to failure. We have a unique opportunity, as Aniyvwiya “First People”, to build our society in the authentic image of truth and justice; “lights”, if you will, that dispel the darkness caused by Greed and social decay. It will take strength of purpose and a genuine notion of obtaining and holding what is right. Perhaps, if we stay focused on that goal, we may even, someday, be able to help the wayward Republic of the United States find its’ way back. It’s something worth considering.